Time to get a little dress-crazy.  I have been looking all over Pinterest, wedding blogs, and search engines to find inspiration on what I want in a dress.  I am going to have my dress made; so, I am scouring the net for tear sheets/images for an image board to get the design juices flowing.  At first, I had thought that I wanted an Amy Michelson dress and that would be that!  But, after I have been really looking at other things, I thought it might be better to get an Amy feel with some other boho flair.

Below are some of my dress inspo photos along with links to the websites 🙂

Straight out the gate is Amy Michelson’s Grace, of course!  I have loved this dress for about ten years. I love the soft, effortless flow and the big, fluffy bow without it looking so gaudy.

AMY-MICHELSON-GRACE-2Next, Anna Campbell’s Eloise Gown.  It is simply stunning and effortless.  It doesn’t look too “Bridal Shop”.  And, lace lace lace!

wedding-dress-Anna-campbell_Forever_Entwined-6Third on my inspiration list is, the Willow Maxi from Free People Ever After.  It is cool, boho, and simple.  And being from FP, it’s not outrageously priced (still $1200.00 but come on…wedding dresses are crazy!).

FREE-PEOPLE-BRIDAL-WILLOW-MAXI-FRONTFREE-PEOPLE-BRIDAL-WILLOW-MAXI-BACKLastly, and arguably my favorite right now is the Joplin from Rue De Seine.  They are a very cool Bridal Shop out of New Zealand.  It comes from their Vintage collection and it is a true 1970’s vintage gown.  Once it is gone, it is gone…but let’s just stare at the image for awhile 😀 😀 😀 .  I just just loving Rue De Seine…they are so up my alley.



What is inspiring other brides lately?


Do I Need to Take Engagement Photos?

I have been struggling with this for a hot second: Engagement Photos.  Are they entirely necessary and were they a good investment?

I personally don’t understand the point; but, I think that is just my personality and think almost every single engagement photo I have ever seen looked really cheesy and/or lame.  Case in point, HERE.  HA, I know that was a low blow…and perhaps some of those souls really loved their photos….perhaps….but in all honesty, I can’t help but wonder if they are a necessary part of wedding planning.


Do you think they are necessary?  Would it be odd if we skipped this part?

Let me know your thoughts!


And for more of your viewing pleasure……click HERE

Outdoor Wedding Ideas and Tips (that I want to remember)

Hello, my little lone reader!

As previously mentioned, I am getting married! WOOHOO!  I am an amateur to wedding planning (this is a good thing) but I have some ideas that I want to chronicle here (mostly so I don’t forget in a year when we walk down the aisle).

Where has a lot of my research started?  Pinterest, obviously.  I will say that I have been sort of a Pinterest snob in the past; I would only pin super Chic outfits, Danish Modern furniture that I can’t afford, and super dope cocktail recipes that would make me a party god. But, flash forward to post-proposal, and I created my Quintessential Wedding Board….The Horror!!! 

I want to have an outdoor wedding – whether it be in the foothills of Altadena or Downtown Los Angeles.  Indoors just ain’t my bag and living in LA means I can pretty much have an outdoor wedding almost year round (I am from Minnesota – if I was there, I would have like 2-3 months for an outdoor ceremony!). Below are some tips and ideas that I want to make note of for the outdoor partyyy (not all pertain to outdoor, they might just be things that I don’t want to forget):

  • Little baskets with Bug Spray & Sunscreen (but something natural and chemical free – sorry, I am one of those people) at the tables for people to use at leisure
  • A “Shoe Valet” for ladies to put their heels and not worry about throwing them under a table; a reclaimed bookcase would do quite nicely 🙂


  • Little succulent take-aways for all of the guests.  We would probably put a little sticker on the with our initials.  Yeah, something lame like that…


  • Dried lavender for tossing once our ceremony is over
  • Some drink bins for before the ceremony.  YES.  I want my guests to leisurely pound some booze while B & I profess the lurve
  • SO much babies breath.  SO much. I want it everywhere (garlands, bouquets, seating decorations, table décor, accents, etc)
  • Tons of fresh and dried lavender 🙂lavender-babies-breath-wedding-decor

OK – I think that I it for now….although, my head ill start swimming with ideas tonight while watching WWHL with my dogs.



Lemon Cayenne Water


How do you start your morning? For me, it is usually with around 3 cups of coffee.  But, for the past couple of weeks, I have been trying really hard to drink a big glass of lemon-cayenne water before I hit the espresso machine.  And by espresso machine, I mean the Keurig in my office that makes the most bitter coffee in the universe (FYI – it might be considered a delicacy in other parts of the world…where the coffee quality bar is set super low…think “last round of the limbo” low).

Anyhow – I have been on a kick where I squeeze half a lemon and about 5-7 shakes of cayenne pepper into 12 oz of cold water.  Sometimes I get even crazier on the cayenne because I pretend it will increase my metabolism (it probably doesn’t).

A word of advice – go for a hand citrus juicer/squeezer.  I have been squeezing by hand for a while and it is a  major pain.  Plus, you really don’t get all of the juicy goodness.  A hand juicer is so much more efficient.



Also, a picture of my handsome man, Hank.


Have a great day!


I’m Getting Married!

So, blogging is hard.  You think you know exactly that to write about and how to log posts in advance so you will have ALL this content on deck.  False.  I haven’t written in a couple of weeks (months) because I have gotten busy, distracted, etc.  Also, my content is a little all over the place.  I am thinking I need to focus on one thing and try to keep a lot of my posts centered around that.

What is this one thing going to be?  I got engaged last week!  I know – so annoying.  Now you have the millionth blogger who wants to talk about her wedding planning on the blog that no one cares about. WHATEVA – it’s my blog and that is what I am going to focus on.

Bullet-pointed back-story on the dude and the engagement:

  • We have been together for 3 years
  • We have been dog parents for 2
  • We told each other we loved each other for the first one on July 4th a few years ago (sick, I know)
  • I started working out recently so clearly he decided to lock this one down (jk)
  • He proposed on our friends’ roof while the fireworks were lighting up the sky

That’s it!  Jealous?  I know.

Anyhow – I have never had a Wedding Pinterest board, never thought about venues, and honestly never really thought about a real wedding for myself.  This is odd because weddings are probably one of my favorite places to get plastered at and dance like a dumb ass. SO, now it is my turn to plan the perfect party where my friends and family to boogy down…and yeah…the party is obviously the afterthought.  The commitment ceremony is where the money is at – clearly, it is the most important…more important than the open bar and portable dance floor….

Get excited for my “get skinny quick” failures, dress obsessions, and favorite cakes!



I Joined Snapchat.

I did it!  I joined the elite ranks of Snapchat. Or is it “SnapChat” or “Snap Chat”? Actually – who cares.


Anyhow…snapchat me up.  I only follow like 4 people right now because I have no idea where to go from here….

SC Identity: SillyBloggers

I swear…I won’t take any screenshots  unless you send me a nudie.



Passive Aggressive Gym Time

Hi Reader

So, I go to the gym sometimes…at least twice a month.  Shockingly, I have seen no results…let’s let that sink in.

What is even more ghastly than my clear lack of motivation is that I pay an Equinox membership.  Every time my membership dues escape from my bank account, I struggle between sadness, annoyance that I am not a super model, and apathy.  It’s a super weird mixture of emotions.

But here is the deal – I am getting chubby and getting chubby fast.  I need to start going to this damn place more often.  Hey, I can jump around on the treadmill, maybe walk on the stair master and get nowhere fast, do a class here and there.  I really think I can do this. I need to do this.

Maybe swimming will suit me?


Here is the one problem I am facing: I can’t stand the Personal Trainers at my gym.  They won’t let me struggle in peace.  NO I don’t want advice on how to do a more effective ab workout.  NO I don’t want to see how my squat should look.  NO I don’t want to talk about a one-on-one session.  NO. NO. NO.  Leave me alone and let me fuck around by myself.  It is enough of a struggle to get here…now don’t have me hiding behind a column because I don’t want any advice from you while on the stretching mat.


And I don’t buy it that they are there to help.  THEY ARE THERE TO SELL YOU $150.00 SESSIONS TO TEACH ME SHIT I DON’T WANT TO KNOW!

So, what do I do? Continue to hide?  Wear headphones and ignore them?  Walk away?  I will only take passive aggressive suggestions and responses.

Thank you.



Arbonne Cleanse Update

I am on week 2 and have cheated a lot….so I don’t feel much thinner.  HOWEVER – I am a little less bloated than usual.

The highlight of this experience is getting to drink these Energy Fizz Stick things because I feel like I am drinking a weird, watered down soda.  I like to mix (1) Pomegranate Fizz Stick with 32 ounces of water. Then I add in a frozen berry medley (think raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries) with a couple tablespoons of Chia seeds.

The berries keep it nice and cool and the seeds add a nice texture (I am liking weird textures in drinks for some odd reason).

arbonne-fizz-stick-chia-seed-1 arbonne-fizz-stick-chia-seed-2

I know what you are thinking…throw some vodka or gin in there and you are ready to rock!  I will be doing this when the cleanse is over……



Patricia Altschul Blocked Me on Twitter! 

I don’t know how to feel about this.  I’m sad that she blocked me because I find her to be quite hysterical and adds something special to the show.  On the flip side, I’m honored that I was offensive enough to catch her attention.   I don’t think I ever said anything that bad except that Whitney is a sociopathic serial killer and might have starred as Damien in the Omen.  Doesn’t seem worthy of a block!

As perplexed as I am, I think the true question of the hour is as such:

Did Patricia or the Butler hit the “block” button?

Until next time, Pat.  Until next time…..